Tobacco Processing Equipments
Primary Tobacco Processing Equipment, Items are part of several modules and processing lines and include leaf processing lines, vertical slicers, dressing cylinders, steaming tunnels, casing prep tanks, transfer and incline conveyors, process controls, and other necessary processing equipment. For additional information on this equipment or purchasing in whole or part. e-mail us at sales@sultantobacco.com
Cut Rug Stem Expansion by Steam
after Cutter

Molins Tobacco Rotary Cutter

Tobacco Stem Expansion Tunnel
​1. Length 4500 MM
2. Tray Width 600 - 500 MM
3. Hight 2000 MM
4. Hight With Box 1500 MM
5. Steam Box 1200-1500 MM

Tobacco Conditioning
The Conditioning Cylinder DCC is designed for providing the best achievement in direct conditioning and opening of all types of Leaf Tobacco. Before the process a heat exchanger is used to pre-heat the drum.
A process air loop system conditioned by spray steam guaranties the best environment for warming up and loosening the tobacco leafs. Process water added by two-substance nozzles ensures the required moisture of the tobacco. The lamina slices will be gently opened by a pins and paddles combination of the rotating cylinder in the conditioned environment. Direct driven support rollers ensure a low noise level. The discharge hood is designed with rounded edges and equipped with water spray nozzles which allows effective cleaning after the process.
A service cubicle with all necessary instruments for the conditioning process is positioned next to the conditioning cylinder.
Tobacco Cutter
Tobacco Cutter for cigarette industry, Molins Tobacco Rotary Cutter . Five Knife anf Eight Knife , Auto Grinder available for more information contact us at sultantobacco@yahoo.com
We are refurbisher of Tobacco cutter , Molins , KT-400, KTC and KT2,
For More Information please contact us at sultantobacco@yahoo.com

MM3 - SS Milli Cutter for Tobacco Industry
Giving perfect cutting of cased or uncased leaf and rolled stem, the AMF- Legg M M3 or M M 3A is an ideal machine forthe smaller production unit. Based on the same outstanding features as other machines in the successful AM F-Legg Millicutter range, it offers exceptional advantages over other types of rotary tobacco cutting machinery. • Fully automatic. • Robust simplicity gives long life and ease of maintenance. • Knock-off cutting strip to avoid possibility of damage to drum. • Positive control of width of cut. • Rotary cutting action using five knives.
• Knives changed quickly and easily. Knife sharpening action designed to keep grinder grit clear of tobacco.
• Grindstone diamond dressed after each traverse cycle. • Tobacco compression by pneumatic cylinder, giving extremely , flexible control. " Band speed control gears changed within three minutes.
KTC Tobacco Cutter
Hauni Tobacco Cutter KT-400 and KTC and KTC-45, KTC-80 & KT-2, KT-3 availble
For more information , Please contact us at sultantobacco@yahoo.com

Steam Drier provides to dry the tobacco to requested moisture level up to 12%
Drying Cylinder is manufactured by AISI 304L 1st Class Chrome, covered by 25 mm polyurethane for Heat Isolation in the Cyclinder
9 Conveyor Wings helps to push forward the tobacco leaves to the exit of the Cylinder. The steam in the conveyor wings provides high temperature for the wings (Up to 100 °C ).
Steam Lamina Dryer
Cylinder diameter: 1525 MM
Cylinder length: 6700 MM
Cylinder RPM 8 RPM
Finns length 5000 MM
Rotation: Anti clockwise looking in the direction of product flow.
Dimensions of complete Drying cylinder
Length :- 7350 MM, Width :- 1900 MM, Height :- 2970 MM Net Size -710 MM (For Seaving)
Drive: - 7.5 HP 1455 RPM
Gear Box :- 16 :1
Product: Tobacco Lamina Strips
Flow rate: Input 3000kgs/ hr at 24% mc.
Exit 2690 kgs/ hr at 14% mc.
Product temperature: In 15∫ C, Out 75∫ C
Steam: 8 bar min. - 10 bars max
50 kgs/ hr in preheat mode. 100 kgs/ hr run mode.
Drier - Steam heated jacketed rotary cylinder with heated product lifting paddles, which can be supplied with a steam heated expansion tunnel installed prior to the dryer.

Cigarette Ripping / Slitting Machnie
For Reclaim Tobacco from Waste cigarette
Tobacco Vibrating and Belt Conveyor
We can Provide you tobacco belt and Vibrating conveyor for tobacco transpotation.